IGBT has become very popular in various applications. It is widely used in various fields, such as transportation, lighting, consumers, industry, medical care, etc., to improve the quality of life of billions of people around the world. From 1990 to 2020, the creation of the electronic ignition system using IGBT for gasoline powered vehicles and trucks reduced gasoline consumption by 1.8 trillion gallons. Between 1990 and 2020, the development of adjustable speed motor drives using IGBT reduced power consumption by 73000 TWh. The deployment of 20 billion compact fluorescent lamps using IGBT electronic ballasts has reduced 59900 TWh of power consumption between 1990 and 2020. These applications of IGBT have saved consumers $33.6 trillion and reduced CO2 emissions by 181 trillion pounds between 1990 and 2020 to mitigate global warming.
All solar and wind power generation depends on the use of IGBT to convert energy into stable 50 or 60 Hz alternating current that can be delivered to the grid. In addition, IGBT is used to drive the inverter of motors in all electric vehicles. Therefore, it will play an important role in combating climate change by eliminating fossil fuels in the power generation and transport sectors.
IGBT failure occasions: from within the system, such as stray inductance distributed in the power system, motor induced electromotive force, and sudden load change will cause over-voltage and over-current; From outside the system, such as power grid fluctuation, power line induction, surge, etc. In the final analysis, IGBT failure is mainly caused by overvoltage/overcurrent of collector and emitter and overvoltage/overcurrent of grid.
Failure mechanism of IGBT: IGBT is short circuited due to the above reasons, which will generate a large transient current - the current change rate di/dt is too large when the switch is turned off. The existence of leakage inductance and lead inductance will lead to over-voltage of IGBT collector, which will generate holding effect in the device, making IGBT locking failure. At the same time, higher overvoltage will cause IGBT breakdown. IGBT enters the amplification area due to the above reasons, which increases the switching loss of tubes.
The traditional failure prevention mechanism of IGBT: reduce the wiring inductance and capacitance of the main circuit as much as possible to reduce the switching overvoltage; Between collector and emitter, a freewheeling diode is placed, and RC circuit and RCD circuit are connected; At the grid, the series impedance shall be reasonably selected according to the circuit capacity, and the regulator diode shall be connected in parallel to prevent grid overvoltage.
The high and low temperature impact airflow instrument is used for IGBT, sensor, small module components, so as to conduct reliability tests such as characteristic analysis, high and low temperature temperature change test, temperature impact test, failure analysis, etc. ThermoTST TS560 has a wider temperature range of - 70 ℃ to+225 ℃, providing a very advanced temperature conversion test capability. Temperature conversion from - 55 ℃ to+125 ℃ for about 10 seconds; Through long-term multi working condition verification, it meets the requirements of various production environments and engineering environments. TS560 is pure mechanical refrigeration, without liquid nitrogen or any other consumable refrigerant. ThermoTST TS560 meets the application requirements of live testing under high or low temperature conditions, so as to effectively solve the application conditions of live testing (online testing) that cannot be achieved by traditional ovens.
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