Application of zonglenThermoChuck TC200 in wafer testing
2023-05-23 11:14:25

Wafer testing is the process of needle testing each grain on a chip. A probe made of gold wire, as thin as hair, is installed on the testing head to contact the contact point (pad) on the grain and test its electrical characteristics. Unqualified grains are marked, and then when the chip is cut into independent grains based on grain size, the marked unqualified grains are removed and no further processing is carried out to avoid increasing manufacturing costs. The yield of a well-designed chip is mainly influenced by the wafer manufacturing and packaging processes, so it is necessary to control the quality of the chip through the testing process.


After the completion of wafer manufacturing, wafer testing is a very important step. This step of testing is a transcript of the wafer production process. During the testing process, the electrical capability and circuit functionality of each chip are detected. Wafer testing is also known as die sort or wafer sort.


Semiconductor testing mainly includes design verification in the chip design process, wafer testing (CP, Circuit Probing) in wafer manufacturing, and final testing (FT, Final Test), which involves analyzing test data to determine the specific cause of failure and improving design, production, and sealing processes to improve yield and product quality. Whether it is wafer testing or finished product testing, testing the various functional indicators of a chip requires completing two steps: first, connecting the chip pins to the functional modules of the testing machine; second, applying input signals to the chip through the testing machine and detecting output signals to determine whether the chip's function and performance meet the design requirements.



Semiconductor equipment manufacturing has always had high technical barriers, and with the reduction of processing area, its complexity is increasing day by day, making manufacturing difficulty and research and development investment increasingly high. Due to the close relationship between the demand for semiconductor equipment and the shipment volume of semiconductor chips, under the catalysis of factors such as 5G and the Internet of Things, the shipment volume of semiconductor chips remains relatively high, and the semiconductor equipment market size will steadily increase, while the probe platform market size will steadily increase. In the coming years, with the expansion of semiconductor production capacity, the demand for equipment will increase, and the proportion of domestically produced probe stations will become increasingly high.


Faced with the strong demand for testing equipment in the domestic and even global markets, Zhongleng has been committed to continuously innovating technology to meet various testing needs:

Product TC200 suitable for car level chip testing:

This is a cooling machine with a minimum temperature that depends on the type and temperature of the coolant used, and the testing temperature can be controlled between -65 ℃ and+200 ℃. When the air temperature is+25 º C, the low temperature is+20 º C; When the water temperature is+25 º C, the low temperature is+5 º C. The extreme low temperature is specified to maintain the chuck in a static air environment with a maximum temperature of+25 ℃ when unloaded. As the diameter of the chuck increases, the extreme low temperature may decrease over time. For ThermoChuck configurations with a diameter of 200mm, the extreme low temperature can be reduced to 5 º C. The integration, wiring, and length of the coolant pipeline will affect low-temperature performance.


This system will become the preferred product for major semiconductor manufacturers and laboratories due to its compact cooling unit, minimal footprint, extremely low energy consumption, and low supporting costs.