Dew point, ppm, absolute humidity conversion formula and common conversion value
2023-01-19 09:30:00

Conversion of dew point to ppm is calculated as follows:

P/1013 × one hundred and four

The dew point is converted to g/m3 (20 ℃, 101.3Kpa) and calculated as follows:


Where: P - saturated vapor pressure of ice at dew temperature, Pa.

the dew point PPm Absolute humidity the dew point PPm Absolute humidity the dew point PPm Absolute humidity
0 6033 4.517 -42 100.9 0.07555 -84 0.2764 0.0002070
-2 5111 3.827 -44 80.03 0.05993 -86 0.1955 0.0001464
-4 4318 3.233 -46 63.19 0.04732 -88 0.1372 0.0001028
-6 3640 2.725 -48 49.67 0.03720 -90 0.09564 0.00007161
-8 3060 2.292 -50 38.89 0.02912 -92 0.06611 0.00004950
-10 2566 1.921 -52 30.32 0.02270 -94 0.0452 0.00003394
-12 2145 1.606 -54 23.51 0.01761 -96 0.03087 0.00002308
-14 1789 1.339 -56 18.16 0.01360 -98 0.02077 0.00001555
-16 1487 1.113 -58 13.96 0.01045 -100 0.01387 0.00001039
-18 1233 0.9233 -60 10.68 0.007998      
-20 1019 0.7629 -62 8.128 0.006087      
-22 840 0.6291 -64 6.154 0.004608      
-24 690.2 0.5169 -66 4.635 0.003471      
-26 565.3 0.4233 -68 3.471 0.002599      
-28 461.3 0.3454 -70 2.584 0.001935      
-30 375.3 0.2810 -72 1.914 0.001433      
-32 304.1 0.2278 -74 1.409 0.001055      
-34 245.8 0.1841 -76 1.031 0.0007717      
-36 197.8 0.1481 -78 0.7492 0.0005610      
-38 158.7 0.1189 -80 0.5410 0.0004051      
-40 126.8 0.09491 -82 0.3881 0.0002906